All Products
P3 Ultimate Shooting Rest
P3 Ultimate Gun Vise
Compact Shooting Rest
Shooting Rest Attachment
Gun Vise Attachment
Pistol Post Add-On
P3 Ultimate Monopod
Ultimate Rail-Pod
Universal Brass Catcher
P3 Ultimate Target Stand
Bottle Holder
All Purpose Gun Level
AI Monopod
RPR Stock Bumper
RPR Mag Release Extension
CTK RPR Universal Bolt Knob
AR Sling Swivel Stud
Ruger Precision Rifle
Stock Bumper

Ruger Precision Rifle
Mag Release Extension

AR Buttstock Rail

Ultimate Rail-Pod

P3 Ultimate Target Stand

Gun Vise Attachment
The most versatile shooting rest available! Great for pistols and rifles.
Optional add-on for the P3 Ultimate Shooting Rest. Great for compact pistols, short barrel revolvers and laser grip pistols.